Boy! HGTV has set some pretty high standards for sellers, buyers and Realtors. Our expectations of the perfectly staged home, the immaculate house cleaning on an hours notice with the picture-perfect set of toddler triplets who live in a seemingly storefront bubble is what we have grown to expect. However, that’s not the average person’s reality, now is it?
Often, we catch people rushing to make dinner for their families, interrupting visits with families, attending sick loved ones (including the furry sort). Timing is not often perfect, and life happens. As sellers we often wait for those buyers who are running late with their Realtors as well. Usually, there is a reason..we are showing on an average 15 – 30 listings before the buyers can make a decision. There are issues with buyers as well, mobility issues, children in tow or parent’s tagging along. Patience is a virtue in the real estate business.
As Realtors we want you to focus on what is important as you are looking at a home, or prepping your home for sale. Prepare for your appointment, look over these Home-Buyer FAQ’s.
Focus on structural and functional details, imagine how furniture will fit in a room, research property taxes and flood zones. A little less time sitting on furniture, looking at baby pictures and let’s give this family their home back, for now!
Sellers, we have a goal, to make a sale. Get ready to sell. If it’s not perfect it doesn’t have to be upside down. If it is, reschedule.
Yes, I’ve seen some sites while showing property, some have impressed me, some have annoyed me, and some have taken my breath away, (positively and negatively). I’m a Realtor, but more, I’m human and I understand how people live and care for the things they value or don’t value. It takes all kinds of people to make the world go ’round and if you really want to get hung up on all that, there’s lots of reality tv shows you can watch!
As for my customers, they will be taken care of and prepared for their showing appointments and their listing presentations, as well as they can, but… we may be late from time to time.