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Paying Off Student Loans Faster

Is student loan debt weighing you down?

Pay beyond the minimum payment every month to reduce your principal and avoid wasting money on interest.

To trick yourself into making an extra full payment annually, split monthly payments in half and pay that amount every two weeks instead.

Consider refinancing and consolidating your loans with a lower interest rate.

Devote cash windfalls, such as pay raises or tax refunds, to paying off your loans.

Try getting a side job and putting the extra income toward your loans.

If you cant boost your income, trim other monthly expenses to make bigger loan payments.

By using these strategies, you might be able to pay off your loans faster.

Published with permission from RISMedia.

About Debbie Kirkland

Realtor Since 2002. Top 5% In Tallahassee, Florida. Member, 2012 President, Tallahassee Board of Realtors I love sharing information and photographs of the Tallahassee, FL area. I'm a native and know the area well and love finding homes for people in the area as well as being a resource by sharing what I love about my hometown! I want your real estate referrals as well ~ So check out my website, get to know Tallahassee or SEARCH for area homes, and contact me soon!


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