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4 Mantras to Make You Happy

Some days, keeping a smile on your face can be a struggle. Whether youre dealing with a stressful career, medical issues or just feeling weighed down by your daily routine, repeating positive mantras can help shift your mood”if youre open to it.

Below are four helpful happy mantras to lift your mood.

You can do it. Whether youre under a huge deadline for work or trying to finish that last mile on the treadmill, telling yourself that you can do it will make your success more likely. Be your own cheerleader!

Just breathe. Feeling overwhelmed? Remind yourself to breathe. Pair this mantra with big, deep inhalations to feel calmer and happier.

Thank you. Gratitude goes a long way, and can shift your perception of things (and the way people perceive you) if integrated into daily life. Be thankful for getting to work safely, even if you had a longer-than-usual commute. Be thankful you have the funds to buy groceries, even when your list of errands seems endless. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

No judgements. This is easier said than done, especially in a world where other peoples lives are constantly popping into our news feeds. Annoyed at your co-workers cheesy engagement photos? Irritated that your college roommate seems to be traveling constantly, when you cant even afford a staycation? Remind yourself to pay attention to your own life, and dont judge or envy others for their choices.

Published with permission from RISMedia.

About Debbie Kirkland

Realtor Since 2002. Top 5% In Tallahassee, Florida. Member, 2012 President, Tallahassee Board of Realtors I love sharing information and photographs of the Tallahassee, FL area. I'm a native and know the area well and love finding homes for people in the area as well as being a resource by sharing what I love about my hometown! I want your real estate referrals as well ~ So check out my website, get to know Tallahassee or SEARCH for area homes, and contact me soon!


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