Clint Aaron Miller. 03.08.1971 – 12.11.2011
Clint Miller was diagnosed with advanced Stage 3c testicular cancer on February 12, 2011. He fought through respiratory failure, a blood infection, pleural effusion, grand-mal seizures, cyber knife procedures, radiation and more as this cancer spread to his brain. 10 months ago, we had no clue.
Clint Miller was a friend I never met face to face. It did not matter. We knew more about each other than most friends. We knew many in the same circle of friends, we broadened our friendships because of each other. We had a no bullshit philosophy in common and we shoot straight because that is who we are. Clint’s transparent personality was refreshing and at times took my breath away and challenged my mind. We shared laughs, photographs, and phone conversations, but not nearly enough.
3,148 people were connected to @TheRealClint on Twitter. 937 Prayed and shared sentiments, thoughts, jokes, and cried together on Facebook’s Clint Miller (@TheRealClint) Prayer/Support Board. Clint Miller has been a part of nearly every conference I have attended, in the spirit of those mutual friendships, his #WeLoveClint support wrist bands have been reminders of his fight and this fight of others, photographed with family, with friends, on personal journeys and in moments solitude and reflection as a reminder of our friend, and the fight against the evil , wicked killer, cancer. Cancer stole a life, too soon.
If ever you thought that social media has no value, I can only tell you this, were it not for social media I would not have met my friend Clint Miller. I would not have met hundreds of others, chatting across the Nation, and the world everyday with whom I have common threads, common heartaches, and more importantly a common exuberance of life and for living. Clint embodied #PayItForward #LiveNow #OvercomingBullshit. “These are real people you are establishing real relationships with, that you really do touch.” Words to remember by Clint.
Clint Aaron Miller. Husband. Father. Friend. Active Rain Blogger. Twitter Poster – and first male member of the Twitterqueens . I was lucky enough to be the first guest on TQ Radio on Blog Talk Radio, and the second episode (Take a Listen.. such a great episode with Susie Blackmon too.) was Clint Miller described as ” Clint Miller (@therealclint) of Real Estate Client Referrals, blipmeister extraordinaire and just a plain nice guy.” I learned so much from Clint. Truly…. Inspiration to Others. Fighter For The Cause To Just Do The Right Thing.
I end this post with a challenge, a renewed spirit, but a more careful walk. #WeLoveClint
To the Miller Family, know this, you have a legacy, many gifts to share still, all formed by a one of kind man who gave us all something to take away from his life.
I Will Rise, RIP Clint Miller No More Sorrow, no more pain. Rest In Peace, My friend Clint Miller.
There are others:
My heart has been heavy since I saw the post this morning. Your post is touching and heart warming Debbie. I wish I too, could have met Clint, said cheers and toasted to the celebrations that take place each moment we breathe life. I asked my Kate to meet him at the Pearly Gates. He’s already made heavenly connections:(
Very nicely put Debbie. Clint touched so many lives of so many people he never physically touched but impacted greatly. I’m so thankful for the power of Social Media and it bringing Clint and his family into my life. I’m also grateful it, through Clint it has shown what a compassionate and caring group of people we can be.
Agi, I am sure it was quite the welcome! I can’t help but think about it as It thundered and carried on here last night while I was praying about it! His kind of Entrance!
David, to be so rough around the edges, his infectious, teddy bear personality found the kid in all of us.
Mike, you know how I love you….<3
Debbie, I am very grateful for how Clint made a difference in my life. He stepped up to the plate for me in a way many would not have. I hope someday I can give to someone else what he gave to me.
He came to Lynchburg and I got to spend some quality time with him before, during & after RELBG BarCamp.
There have been a few people in my life that although they were not in my life long (maybe a few years) that have made a lasting impact, and Clint is one of those.
I want to make a difference in someone’s life like he has mine.
You already have Nannette! ; ) Thank you!
Will be attending Clint Miller’s Virtual Memorial Service today thanks to our friends in Social Media who have set this up so that we can all take part and celebrate the life of someone we all loved.