Hiring a mover to safely transport your belongings to your new home is not a decision that should be taken lightly. As your local real estate professional, I want to advise you on some red flags to keep in mind. This infographic offers an easy-to-follow breakdown of these warning signs. Published with permission from RISMedia.
Tag Archives: Luxury Marketing
Daily Habits to Keep Your Home Clean
Cleaning doesn’t have to be a hassle if you keep on top of it. Here are some small daily steps you can take to keep your home clean. Post-shower swipe. To keep mold at bay, store a washcloth in your shower that you use for wiping down surfaces after you turn the water off. Just […]
When to Save Your Money and When to Invest
If you want your money to work for you, there are two main ways to achieve this goal: saving and investing. Knowing which option to choose is critical if you want your money to work the hardest. Here are some ways to prioritize the two: Start With SavingsPutting money into a savings account of some […]
How to Dress Up Your Dressing Room
Here are a few tips for designing an area that does far more than hold your wardrobe. Strategic Storage Open shelving allows you to take stock of everything with a glance. Take a Seat Be it an ottoman or chaise lounge, have a place to sit when trying on shoes. Mirrors Galore Youll need a […]
5 Ways to Save Energy and Money
Cutting down on energy use is great for the environment. It can also save you big bucks. Alternative energy proponent IGS Energy suggests four green and easy ways to do both: Minimize ‘phantom loads.’ The term ‘phantom load’ refers to the energy that an appliance or electronic device consumes when it is not actually turned […]
How Much Money Should You Have in Your Emergency Fund?
An illness, injury, broken appliance, car accident or job loss can occur at any time. Having enough savings to cover three to six months’ worth of expenses can help you avoid losing your home or going deep into debt to make ends meet. Savings StrategiesIt’s easy to set a vague savings goal, but you won’t […]
5 Tips to Upgrade Your Garage
Heres how to revamp your garage to take your home to the next level. Start With the Floors Porcelain tile is the perfect surface as it combines an elegant appearance with durability. Look to the Lights If you want to really show off your cars, quality lighting is essential. Lift it up A car lift […]
How to Choose the Best Houseplants
Just like picking paint and furniture, it’s important to spend time choosing the best plants for your interior space. Not only should you be considering the care your new plant friends will need, but also how they will impact your space as they grow to their full forms. Below are several tips for picking the […]
4 Ways to Bring Scandinavian Style Into Your Home
Published with permission from RISMedia.
What to Know Before Giving Your Kid a Debit Card
Teaching your child about money by giving them a piggy bank or having them earn an allowance by doing household chores is a great start to learning about how to earn and save money. Spending wisely, however, is another lesson. And it will probably come away from home and without adult supervision. A debit card”usually […]