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How to Avoid Credit Card Interest
The typical credit card charges about 16 percent interest per year on balances, effectively adding $16 to each $100 in expenses that are left on a credit card. Some charge as much as 29 percent if youre late on a payment and have to pay penalty interest. Avoiding a credit card balance by paying the […]
Common Mistakes First-Time Homebuyers Make
Buying a house is complicated. First-time buyers can make costly mistakes. Here are things to avoid Not Knowing What You Can Afford Use a mortgage affordability calculator to avoid wasting time looking at listings that are too expensive. Not Comparing Rates By applying to several lenders, you could secure a loan with much more favorable […]
How to Prevent Mold
Mold inside a house can cause serious health problems, including sinus irritation, congestion, headaches and respiratory difficulties. The health effects of mold are more serious in children, pregnant women, senior citizens and people with respiratory problems. Mold can grow in any moist environment, which makes a home a perfect breeding ground. Mold spores can accumulate […]
How to Raise Your Credit Score
If you want the best possible mortgage loan, youll need a good credit score. Try increasing your score with these simple steps: Pay all your bills on time. Late or missed payments can impact your score for years. Pay off debt and keep credit card balances low to improve your credit utilization ratio. Dont close […]
6 Shortcuts to a Smaller Utility Bill
Looking to cut your energy costs? It can take years for a new, more energy-efficient refrigerator or other major appliance to pay for itself in savings on a utility bill. If that’s the path you want to take, this Energy Star calculator can estimate the amount of money saved by replacing an old fridge with […]
Productivity-Boosting Tips
Published with permission from RISMedia.
Using Encryption to Protect Your Computer
No matter how complex your computer password is, it isnt enough to stop a thief from using other methods to steal your personal information if they find or steal your computer. A strong password may prevent someone from logging into your computer, but thieves can remove the hard drive and put it into another computer […]
5 Bank Accounts Every Family Should Have
Having all of your familys money in one bank account can make keeping track of your money easier, but it might not help your family meet its financial goals. Instead of one big fund for everything ” such as a checking account ” you might be better equipped to meet several small financial goals with […]
The Pros of Buying a Home Warranty
For $600 or so a year, plus a service fee of around $75 every time you ask for repair, a home warranty can be an inexpensive way to have peace of mind as a new homeowner. Home warranties cover breakdowns in a home, from HVAC systems to appliances. A broken water heater can be repaired […]