Having bad credit can be worse than having no credit at all. A lousy credit score can lead to a steeper credit hole to climb out of, and can take years to fix. All is not lost. Borrowers with bad credit scores can still get approved for a new credit card, though they’ll have to […]
Category Archives: Tallahassee
5 Natural Stone Styles for Dramatic Home Design
These five eye-catching natural stones will make for an unforgettable living space. Amazonite Extra Granite With shades of teal and gray infused with white crystals, this makes a design statement in any room. Pink Onyx Swirls of pink and white make this mesmerizing surface feel simultaneously relaxing and energizing. Nero Antico Marble The contrast of […]
4 Key Principles of the Transitional Style
Published with permission from RISMedia.
How to Make Your Home's Entryway Pop
The entrance of your home says a lot about your character, from interior design to overall aesthetics. Below are some helpful tips for making sure your space wows you and your guests every time. Kill the clutter. Clutter is a huge no-no in your entryway, as it impacts the entire vibe of your space from […]
Dramatic Ceilings for a Beautiful Home
These six types of striking ceilings will set your home apart! Beamed Ceiling Exposed beams provide a distinguished look while also making the space feel larger. Cathedral Ceiling These ceilings soar high above and allow more natural light to pour into the home. Barrel Vaulted Ceiling Rather than meeting at a fixed point, barrel vaulted […]
How to Clean Painted Walls
Did your toddler scribble on the walls? Or perhaps a year or two of wear and tear have your interior paints looking less than pristine. If your walls could use a little TLC, but you’re not quite ready for a fresh coat of paint, consider the following methods for freshening up. Latex PaintsWhether you have […]
How to Incorporate Natural Materials Into Your Home
From modern to traditional, natural materials can be incorporated into any design aesthetic. Here are a few to add to your home… Wicker & Rattan Furniture Wicker and rattan are durable materials that bring a relaxed feel while also showcasing an element of timeless craftsmanship Natural Fiber Rugs and Window Treatments Jute rugs offer a […]
Where to Check for Unclaimed Money
Found money is a gift. And with the internet, it’s easier than ever to find it. Unclaimed assets may be sitting somewhere in your name, waiting for you to find and claim them. With some simple online searches, you can look for unclaimed money in seconds and possibly find a windfall. Unclaimed money can come […]
How to Start Building Your Credit
Your first credit card can be the start to building your financial future. Just remember, how you use it can affect you for years down the road. For example, build a good credit score and you could see lower interest rates on home and auto loans, and receive better credit card perks. Make too many […]
Your Credit Card: What's in it for Thieves
Online security breaches where retailers are hacked and customers credit card information is stolen are becoming a regular part of the news cycle. Cybercriminals can sell the data online to other criminals, who can then use the information to open bogus accounts in the names of legitimate customers, run up charges on the stolen credit […]