To avoid late fees and a possible increase in your credit card interest rate, make at least the minimum payment on your credit card bill each month. The minimum due will change from month to month, so it can be hard knowing ahead of time how much money you’ll have to come up with to […]
Category Archives: Tallahassee
5 Laundry Tips to Save on Energy Costs
Laundry machines use a lot of energy. To save on power costs, consider the following when doing laundry: Use cold water to cut a loads energy use by more than half. Cold-water detergents can help ensure clothes get clean. Your washer will use about the same amount of energy no matter the load size, so […]
How Unpaid Medical Bills Affect Your Credit Score
Paying your medical bill is one of the last things on your mind when youre at a hospital emergency room. And how that bill could affect your credit score is probably much less of a concern. But even a non-emergent hospital visit can result in a large medical bill months after your health insurance covers […]
Wood Floor Alternatives Worth a Second Look
Wood floors are a top choice for modern homeowners. Proponents believe they offer warmth as well as elegance, but they do require care to maintain their luster and are costly. Fortunately, say flooring exerts, technology makes it easy to achieve the look and feel of wood flooring without the need for special care”and at a […]
Bring Peace to Your Bedroom
While world peace is a great idea, if you want to add a touch of calm to your life, begin with your bedroom. Your room isn’t merely the place to rest your head, it’s where you wake, and the vibe of your room can set the tone for the rest of your day. Below are […]
The Potential Source of Your Flooded Basement
Published with permission from RISMedia.
Smart Thermostats: Top 4 Expert Picks
Programmable thermostats let you set the temperature in your home and have the thermostat change it based on the time of day. What makes them ‘smart’ is that they can learn from your behaviors, let you control the climate remotely, show you energy consumption in real-time and even adjust themselves based on conditions like humidity. […]
How to Design an Eclectic Space
Use these tips to achieve an eclectic setting that maintains a sense of balance… Look to the Pros This will help identify what really speaks to you and form the foundation of your aesthetic. Pick a Color Scheme Eclectic rooms tend to have dramatic color schemes, but make sure its a palette you can […]
Family-Friendly Artwork Apps
In the age of apps, theres more to preserving the masterpieces your children create than just sticking them on the refrigerator. Eventually, the magnets will slip and something thats dear to you”or your child”could fall off and end up in the trash. If you have the space for keeping their school artwork or homemade projects, […]
Credit Card Habits Your Kids Can Take to College
Starting college is full of all kinds of new experiences. Students are left on their own for probably the first time in their lives, and it can be daunting. Using a credit card can be one of those “firsts,” and parents can help by explaining how credit cards work and instilling good financial habits in […]