Many people struggle to pay off credit card debt. Interest that accumulates each month can make it difficult to make a dent in balances. Juggling multiple credit cards with different minimum payments and due dates can feel overwhelming. Missing a due date can lead to fees and possible damage to your credit score. If you […]
Category Archives: Tallahassee
Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Real Estate Agent
Published with permission from RISMedia.
4 Ways to Revamp Your Sunroom
If youre looking for ways to revamp your sunroom, here are a few tips to keep in mind. Separate Seating Consider incorporating a dining area and a separate, more casual seating area that meets a variety of needs. UV Resistance When picking out a new rug or upholstery for furniture, remember that all of the […]
Home Safety Tips Every Child Should Know
Home safety is an important, even life-saving topic that you should teach your children about at an early age. If you educate your children on basic home safety principles when theyre young, the lessons will stick with them for a lifetime. Learn to lock a deadbolt.Let your children know that the door should always be […]
Best Practices for a Healthy Smile
Practicing proper oral hygiene is essential for preventing cavities and gum disease, which can lead to pain, tooth loss and other health issues. Maintaining good oral health is especially important if you have diabetes, are an older adult or are pregnant. To help you attack harmful plague, protect your teeth, stay healthier, and maybe even […]
Adding a Dog to the Family? Here Are Some Expenses to Consider
Getting a dog can be one of the most rewarding things you’ll ever do. Seeing your cute pet’s tail wag when you get home from a long day at work can be a heartwarming experience that makes the responsibilities of dog ownership worthwhile. But don’t forget those responsibilities, including financial ones, when determining whether now […]
The Benefits of Triple-Glazed Windows
If youre getting ready to do (actual) window shopping, heres why you should consider triple-glazed windows… What Are Triple-Glazed Windows? These windows are constructed using three separate panes with an inert gas inserted between the layers of glass. Energy Efficient With a significantly improved ability to retain heat or air conditioning, they are the best […]
How to Increase Your Home's Market Value
Published with permission from RISMedia.
Behind on Mortgage Payments? Follow These Tips
Everyone who takes out a mortgage hopes to be able to make payments on time, but life sometimes gets in the way. A job loss, an unexpected expense, or an illness or injury can wreak havoc on a familys finances. A mortgage that converts from a fixed- to an adjustable-interest rate can cause mortgage payments […]
Teach Your Children These Simple Spending Habits
Cash can be a popular present for children when birthdays or other celebrations roll around throughout the year. But instead of letting your youngster splurge on candy or other impulse buys, set them on the right foot by helping them come up with a plan for their money. While it may be enticing to teach […]