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For First timehome-buyers, this tax credit may mean the difference in afffording a home or not. It is an incentive to stimulate the economy by encouraging those who have not owned a home in the last three years, to make a home purchase before November 30th, 2009. It has indeeed worked in many areas and has stimulated sales of homes under $250,000 especially. Inventories are lower and many areas attribute increase in home sales to the first-time home buyer sales.
This credit will expire on November 30th, so if you are thinking of purchasing a home, you have a narrow window in which to get this done. Dont forget, there is a holiday near the end of November, which will shorten your days to close even more!
Call a Realtor today, and enjoy your home search! If you need a Realtor referral, call me at 850.212.0440, Debbie Kirkland, Realtor, National Referral Agent.